

The Roland Collection. With a modern design that includes clean lines and a dark brown bi-cast vinyl or modern gray fabric, the Roland Collection will be a functional addition to your home. Nestled below the twin bed is the easily accessed lower trundle unit. Casters make quick work of extending this extra sleep space.
Item No.* Description Dimension
4950 Daybed with Trundle Daybed: 80.75 × 40.5 × 39.5H Trundle: 75.75 × 40.5 ×12.25H
- Dark brown bi-cast vinyl


This collection is typically stocked in United States. Item numbers of some required sub-components may not be shown. These sub-components have their own item numbers and prices. Please speak with our sales staff to confirm that your price quoted is for the complete set.
2020/10/05 04:00:01