Mazin - 99025LGY Seating-Wodehouse Collection

Title:99025LGY Seating-Wodehouse Collection

Product Description:

Optimize your living space with the contemporary comforts of the Wodehouse Collection. This sofa seamlessly transforms into a bed, combining style and functionality into one sleek design. Thanks to casters, the seat easily pulls out while the tight back flattens to give you a larger sleeping area. Two matching pillows do double-duty, offering lumbar support when in sofa-mode and supporting your head while the bed is in use. Draped in soft light grey fabric with piped seams and biscuit tufting, the Wodehouse's neutral appearance is embued with modern charm, making it a versatile addition to your home. Whether it's for lounging during the day or accommodating overnight guests, this multifunctional piece redefines the boundaries of modern living.

ModelStock Description Gross Weight Dimensions
99025LGY-3CL-3 Sofa Bed with 2 Pillows 171.16 65 x 39 x 37H


UpdateDate:2024/06/10 04:00:02

Weights and Dimensions:

Product Details:


Origin URL*:MazinFurniture.COM

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